The Family First Money Awareness Course

So your children can learn what you wish you had known years ago!

“Rob, I really wish I had known all this years ago!”

This was what a 60-year-old woman said to me after taking my Money Awareness Course. In fact, she was quite angry with herself for not learning more about how to manage her money properly much earlier in her life. 

But then aren’t many of us guilty of letting money control us rather than the other way round? The good news is - it doesn’t need to be that way, and it definitely doesn’t need to be that way for your children.  

The Family First Money Awareness Course 

The Family First Course is a money awareness course aimed at 18-21 year-olds who are full of hopes and dreams for the future but aren’t necessarily money savvy. It’s about helping them avoid some of the most common financial mistakes, such as living off credit cards or not saving. It’s about giving them the knowledge to make the best choices to ensure they always have enough money in the right place at the right time.  

I recognise children won’t always listen to their parents. But they might listen to an independent source who will teach them how to get ahead of the money game. And as I’m a Financial Friend and Mentor and not a Financial Advisor, I haven’t got a scary title which puts them off. I’m simply someone working alongside them with years of knowledge and professional experience, and the information and guidance they need to stand on their own two financial feet well into the future.  

I also recognise it’s helpful for parents to understand as much as their children, which is why you’ll do the course first! Not only will you become more financially aware, but you’ll also be able to join in the conversation and give your children a helping hand if they should need it.

What Will the Course Cover? 

You and Your Children Will Learn How to:  

  • Get a better return from your ordinary bank or building society savings and deposits. 

  • Adopt simple strategies to safeguard your money in these uncertain times.

  • Invest wisely in the stock market and turn risk into profit through knowledge and understanding.  

Parents - Experience the Full Money Awareness Course  

The parents Course provides four sessions for £269 when your young family members are booked for their separate Course.  

All sessions are 1.5 hours.  The sessions are planned to be one week to ten days apart.

To book the Family First Course click the link below. We ask for a £30.00 booking fee with a balance of the Course fee payable after the first session. 

Young People’s Course 

Your (up to 2) ‘independent’ young people will get their Course for just £100 and £20 per extra person. That’s three sessions and some Money Study in between each session providing virtual investing to bring it all alive. 

All sessions are 1.5 hours.  The sessions are planned to be one week to ten days apart.   

To book the Family First Course click the link below. We ask for a £30.00 booking fee with a balance of the Course fee payable after the first session.

Give Your Children the Right Financially Secure Start in Life 

The right start in life was important when they were kids.  The right start with money is the best gift you can give them now to help set them up for life. Don’t let them get to 60 and say, “I wish I’d known this years ago!” We teach your young people to stand on your own financial feet by not telling them what to do but showing them what they could do.

Sign up now and give your children the gift of the Family First Money Awareness Course. And if you want to know more or have any questions, then book a FREE 1-2-1 to discuss how the course could help your children’s financial future.

Get in touch to find out More!