The Money
Awareness Course

The Money Awareness Course delivered by Rob Harris will make a positive difference to your financial future.

The course helps you if you have money invested in ISAs, general savings or pension funds or just in the bank on deposit. The Course will also help you begin to accumulate money through regular savings even if you have little to play with now.

Three Ways You Can Benefit

Choose your Topic

For the low cost of £60.00 per topic or £95.00 for two topics. You can 1-2-1 with Rob on Zoom to respond to your need to bring your pension funds together or set up regular monthly savings or invest a lump sum in an ISA. Click this link to see the full range of topics we can help you with.

The Low Cost Group Course

‍The Course shows you how to invest in the stock market enabling you to help your money to grow in a number of different ways.

You will learn with Rob together with no more than six course members. These sessions are simple to understand, focussed and helpful.

Whilst investments can fall as well as rise in value, there are ways you can control the risk and even turn risk into profit through knowledge and understanding.

‍The Money Awareness Course provides four sessions at just £168.00. Ongoing support includes investment monitoring, alerts, regular commentaries and the Hotline to Harris Zoom appointment service. With the knowledge gained, you will make your own investment decisions.

This Low cost Group Course comes at £168.00.

The Premier Money Awareness Course

Providing time to work with you as you make decisions for the design and content of your savings and investment portfolio.

The Premier Course comes with a firm commitment to your success. For those with money invested in Pension Funds, ISAs or General Investment or having funds they wish to invest.

Comprises delivery of four 1-2-1 sessions with Rob Harris of up to 2 hours per session delivered at your level of understanding to provide you with the knowledge to commence investing on a DIY basis OR to engage with your adviser knowing the questions to ask and able to take more control of the outcome of the advice offered. Course fees are described below.

The cost of the Premier Money Awareness Course is £645.00

Option 01

Choose your Topic

Committed to your success. Rob’s Premier 1-2-1 Course with you at £645 to cover all sessions.

To Book this course please click on the Button and arrange a free 1-2-1 with Rob.

Option 02

The Premier Money
Awareness Course

A truly affordable course at just £168.00. Contribute a £30.00 booking fee to secure your place, followed by £138.00 payable after the first session. Click the button below to book.

Option 03

The Low Cost Group Money
Awareness Course

Choose your topic. Find out what you need to know

£60.00 or £95.00 for two topics

Get in touch.